Future world concepts

Online Digital Advertising is Revolutionizing the way

businesses market and advertise...

Television Production Concept
Hand with marker writing: SEM (Search Engine Marketing)

Online digital advertising is revolutionizing the way businesses market and advertise their products and services. Digital advertisements allow companies to reach their target audiences:

  • Quickly
  • Efficiently
  • and more Cost-Effectively than ever before.

Woman Listening to Music While Relaxing on the Beach
Laptop, phone and tablet pc

Advertisers can make adjustments in real-time to optimize campaigns for maximum effectiveness. This new era of digital marketing has made it easier than ever before for business owners to get the most out of their ad spend while still reaching a large number of potential customers - making it an invaluable tool in today's competitive business landscape. As digital advertising continues to evolve, its impact on marketing trends will only become larger and longer lasting - ultimately shaping the future of digital marketing for years to come.

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Radio Advertising

Local radio advertising is an effective and cost-efficient way to reach your target audience. It allows you to customize your messages to the local market, which can help drive results and engagement.

Advertising on local radio also enables you to target a specific demographic or geographical area, reaching people that may not see national or regional campaigns.

Additionally, it's easy to track the success of your campaigns by monitoring the response rate and with Beasley Analytics. Beasley Analytics will tell you how many listeners visit your website after every commercial is aired, giving you a better understanding of your return on investment.

Local radio advertising is an effective and cost-efficient way to reach your target audience. It allows you to customize your messages to the local market, which can help drive results and engagement.

Advertising on local radio also enables you to target a specific demographic or geographical area, reaching people that may not see national or regional campaigns.

Additionally, it's easy to track the success of your campaigns by monitoring the response rate and with Beasley Analytics. Beasley Analytics will tell you how many listeners visit your website after every commercial is aired, giving you a better understanding of your return on investment.

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Digtial Out-Of-Home

Out-of-home advertising, also called outdoor advertising, outdoor media, and out-of-home media, is advertising experienced outside of the home. Billboards, Gas Station Pumps, Retail Store Screens, Doctors offices, Red Box, and more... all "on the go". This solution is the most flexible out-of-home solution available.


Of consumers have visited at least one DOOH venue in the last 30 days


of consumers recall seeing a digital out-of-home ad


say out-of-home ads are the most trustworthy

Source: Vistar & MFour Research 2021

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Analytics Reporting

The Analytics dashboard provides an in-depth view into your campaign performance, enabling a detailed understanding of the results:

  • Performance by Product
  • Geographic Performance
  • Digital Lift
  • Creative Performance
  • Placements
  • Device Performance
  • Sales Activity
  • Metrics
  • Screenshots
  • The date range defaults to 30 days prior,but can be customized to reflect a custom range.
  • Click on the dates to select a range, then click Apply. The data reloads.
  • Use the dashboard to download a printable report of your analytics.

The Dashboard is updated daily and accessible 24/7

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People at the Concert

Beasley Media Group is the leader in radio broadcasting in Fayetteville, NC. With multiple FM radio stations broadcasting across the area, they bring music and entertainment to people of all ages. From Hip Hop, R&B, Country, top 40 hits to Easy Listening. Beasley Media Group has something for everyone. Their on-air personalities bring listeners the latest in news, weather updates, sports scores, interviews with celebrities and much more. In addition to their programming lineup, Beasley Media Group also offers community outreach initiatives that enable them to give back to the Fayetteville community.

Beasley Media Group is the leader in radio broadcasting in Fayetteville, NC. With multiple FM radio stations broadcasting across the area, they bring music and entertainment to people of all ages. From Hip Hop, R&B, Country, top 40 hits to Easy Listening. Beasley Media Group has something for everyone. Their on-air personalities bring listeners the latest in news, weather updates, sports scores, interviews with celebrities and much more. In addition to their programming lineup, Beasley Media Group also offers community outreach initiatives that enable them to give back to the Fayetteville community.

Foxy 99 Reaches 17% of the Fayetteville Market! With 145,300 Adult 18+ listeners who tune in for an average of 7.5 hours each week!

We're #1

We're #1

Our loyal and passionate listeners deliver results to advertisers.

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Potential Annual Spending Power

$1.4 Billion

$1.4 Billion

with Adults 25-54 every week!















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Earn 50k+



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FAYETTEVILLE, NC; Nielsen Radio; FA22; TSA; A18+; A25-54; WZFX-FM vs. Home to Metro ranker; M-Su 6a-12m; Weekly Cume Persons; Weekly Cume Comp.; Weekly Cume Rating; Weekly TSL; | P12+; Median Age; | Metro; A18+; Retail Spending Power; | Scarborough R2 2022: Sep21-Aug22; TSA; A18+; WZFX-FM; M-Su 6a-12m; % of Target.

American Flag Icon

When we say we love our Country, we don't just mean the music!

Nearly 99,700 Adult 18+ listeners are engaged with The Big 95.7 WKML for an average of 7 hours a week!

Our listeners like Country music, but live a traditional lifestyle.

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Potential Annual Spending Power

$1 Billion

$1 Billion





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Full time


Earn 50k+















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FAYETTEVILLE, NC; Nielsen Radio; FA22; TSA; A18+; A25-54; WZFX-FM vs. Home to Metro ranker; M-Su 6a-12m; Weekly Cume Persons; Weekly Cume Comp.; Weekly Cume Rating; Weekly TSL; | P12+; Median Age; | Metro; A18+; Retail Spending Power; | Scarborough R2 2022: Sep21-Aug22; TSA; A18+; WKML-FM; M-Su 6a-12m; % of Target.

81,900 TSA Adults 18+ listen to 96.5 BOB FM for an average of 6 hours each week!

Loyal listeners make valuable consumers:

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$686 Million

$686 Million


Potential Annual Spending Power





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Earn 50k+

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96.5 BOB FM is the region's favorite choice for playing the greatest hits from the 80s and more!













FAYETTEVILLE, NC; Nielsen Radio; FA22; TSA; A18+; A25-54; WZFX-FM vs. Home to Metro ranker; M-Su 6a-12m; Weekly Cume Persons; Weekly Cume Comp.; Weekly Cume Rating; Weekly TSL; | P12+; Median Age; | Metro; A18+; Retail Spending Power; | Scarborough R2 2022: Sep21-Aug22; TSA; A18+; WFLB-FM; M-Su 6a-12m; % of Target.

49,200 TSA Adults 25+ listen to 107.7 The Bounce for an average of 6 hours each week!

Loyal listeners make valuable consumers:

107.7 The Bounce Fayetteville's Throwback Hip Hop and R&B. A lifestyle brand that represents the diverse culture and tastes of Fayetteville.

Diagram Profit Money Flat Image Style


Potential Annual Spending Power

$649 Million

$649 Million
















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Full time


Earn 50k+



FAYETTEVILLE, NC; Nielsen Radio; FA22; TSA; A25+; WUKS-FM; M-Su 6a-12m; Weekly Cume Persons; Weekly Cume Comp.; Weekly TSL; | Metro; Retail Spending Power; | TSA; P12+; Median Age; |Scarborough R2 2022: Sep21-Aug22; TSA; A25+; WUKS-FM; M-Su 6a-12m; % of Target. Copyright © 2023 Futuri Media LLC, TOPLINE. All Rights Reserved

Sunny 94.3 AC station connecting listeners with their favorite music, with minimum interruptions.

We deliver ideal consumers to our advertisers.

Soft Hits for Fayetteville! A new listening experience everyone can agree on.

Sunny 94.3 ​Weekday Lineup

PJ In The Morning: ​Mon-Fri


John Tesh: ​Mon-Fri ​2p-7p





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Earn 50k+

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FAYETTEVILLE, NC; Scarborough R2 2022: Sep21-Aug22; Metro; A18+; AC format; M-Su 6a-12m; % of Target. Copyright © 2023 Futuri Media LLC, TOPLINE. All Rights Reserved

Playing continuous Top 40 hits all day!

Diagram Profit Money Flat Image Style


Potential Annual Spending Power

$67 Million

$67 Million





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Earn 50k+

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Fayetteville's #1 hit music station! Over 3,300 Adult 18+ listeners tune to My Kiss Radio 93.5 each wee for the top hits!

Invite Fayetteville's AC listeners in their peak acquisition years into your business.













FAYETTEVILLE, NC; Nielsen Radio; FA22; Metro; A18+; WAZZ-AM; M-Su 6a-12m; Weekly Cume Persons; Weekly Cume Comp.; Retail Spending Power; | P12+; Median Age; | Scarborough R2 2022: Sep21-Aug22; Metro; A18+; AC format; M-Su 6a-12m; Target Composition.

With experience and expertise Pamela has helped many local businesses - Call Today!

Meet Pamela Patton, a marketing consultant with experience and expertise in many areas of marketing, including digital advertising, social media, content creation, SEO, analytics, as well as, traditional advertising, ie. radio, television, and print. Pamela Patton has worked with businesses of all sizes in the Fayetteville, NC market, for over 15 years. She has created effective and innovative campaigns and has experience working with multiple clients across different industries. She provides invaluable insights into the successes and challenges of various marketing strategies. Pamela will give you hands-on advice in implementing new changes or optimizing existing campaigns - ensuring that your business gets the most out of your marketing efforts. Ensure your business grows quickly and

successfully over time.

Book your FREE Consultation with Pamela today!

Business meeting


C. 828-308-3333

O. 910-486-2010


1876 Bureau Dr.

Fayetteville, NC 28312



Pamela Patton

Business meeting

Why Should You Hire a Marketing Consultant?

by Pamela Patton, 1/15/2023

Hiring a marketing consultant can be an invaluable asset when it comes to advertising your business. Here are a few reasons why:

  • Expertise: A marketing consultant will bring in-depth knowledge and experience to the table, allowing you to take advantage of their expertise and get up-to-date advice on the best strategies for your business’s growth.

  • Professional Network: A marketing consultant also has access to a vast professional network that may open up doors for potential partnerships or collaborations with other companies that could help boost your visibility in the marketplace.

  • Cost Savings: With a strategic plan in place, you’ll be able to make smarter investments into the most effective channels and tactics – meaning you save money by avoiding wasteful spending on ads or campaigns that won’t bring results.

  • More Time For You: Having a consultant on board allows you to focus more of your time and energy on what matters most – running your business. And when it comes time for them to leave, you still have all their knowledge and insights at your disposal, helping keep things running smoothly in their absence!

  • Results That Last: Ultimately, with the right consultant and strategy in place, you can expect long-term results from your advertising efforts – rather than short-term gains that don’t last beyond their initial effectiveness..

With countless benefits to gain from choosing a marketing agency or consultant, there’s no reason not to hire one if this is something that aligns with needs & objectives for growing your small business!.

Business meeting

5 Steps to Advertising Your Small Business

by Pamela Patton, 2/15/2023

Advertising your small business can be intimidating, but with the right approach and a bit of creative thinking, you can create a plan that reaches your target audience and gets them interested in what you have to offer.

Here are 5 steps to advertising your small business:

Define Your Goals: Before launching any advertisement campaign it is important to identify what goals you want to accomplish. Whether you are looking to increase brand recognition, drive sales or generate leads, make sure that the goals you set align with your vision and objectives so they can be accurately measured and tracked over time.

Identify Your Audience: To ensure that your ad campaigns will reach a relevant audience, it is necessary to identify who exactly those people are by considering their demographic characteristics such as age range, location, gender etc., as well as interests and behaviors.

Set a Budget: Carefully consider how much money you’re willing to spend on advertising so that you don’t go over budget while still reaching the maximum amount of customers possible. Remember that this budget should factor in any additional costs associated with tracking/analytics tools, design work and labor costs.

Choose Platforms: Select which platforms will be best for effectively reaching the identified target customer base such as social media sites like Facebook & Twitter; search engine optimization (SEO) & paid search (PPC); native/content marketing strategies such as blogs & email outreach initiatives etc..

Create Ads: Design engaging advertisements featuring attractive visuals or text (or both!) that leave an impression on potential customers when they view them online or in print form. Once these ads have been crafted, track each one’s performance regularly in order to adjust details accordingly before moving onto the next platform or campaign down the line.

By following these steps, you'll be able to craft effective campaigns tailored specifically towards your target audience – leading to increased brand visibility and higher rates of success along the way!

Business meeting

What is Geo Targeting & Geo Fencing?

by Pamela Patton, 3/15/2023

Geo targeting and geo fencing are two powerful marketing tools that allow businesses to reach consumers who are near a specific location or within a specifically defined area.

Geo targeting is a form of digital advertising where ads are served to users based on their physical geographic location. This enables marketers to target potential customers in their local market and ensure they’re only paying for campaigns that are going to yield the best ROI. Additionally, geo targeting can be used to tailor messages to different audiences depending on the city, region, or country they’re residing in.

Geo fencing takes it one step further by allowing businesses to draw virtual boundaries around different geographical locations. This type of digital marketing is most commonly used for mobile apps, enabling them to send personalized notifications or ads when consumers enter a certain area – such as a retailer’s store location or a specific event venue. By creating these virtual boundaries, marketers are able to deliver more localized messages and engage with prospects who may already have an interest in their product or service.

Overall, utilizing geo targeting and geo fencing strategies can be beneficial for any business looking to increase visibility in local markets and boost engagement with target audiences. By having greater control over where your ad campaigns appear, you’ll be able to better optimize them along the way – resulting in increased website traffic, leads, and sales over time.

Business meeting

Fresh Ideas on how to market your Ecommerce Website...

by Pamela Patton, 3/24/2023

Advertising an ecommerce website can be a great way to reach potential customers and increase sales.

To get started, here are some steps you should consider taking:

Create original content - Content is key when it comes to advertising your ecommerce website. Developing unique content that is relevant to your business will help draw in customers and keep them engaged.

Optimize your website's layout - Make sure your website is easy to navigate and has a user-friendly design. This will make it easier for customers to find what they're looking for and make purchases quickly and easily.

Utilize SEM advertising - also referred to as Pay-per-click. Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising can be a great way to promote your ecommerce site as it allows you to target specific audiences with ads tailored to their interests.

Form strategic partnerships - Partnering with other businesses or influencers in the same industry can help you reach more potential customers and build brand awareness.

Launch podcast ads - Audio Streaming Ads -Podcasts are becoming increasingly popular, so launching ads on podcasts can be a great way to reach new audiences who may not have heard of your business before.

Go multichannel - Having multiple channels of communication with customers, such as social media, Email Marketing, or even text messages, can help you stay connected with them and keep them informed about any promotions or new products you have available.

Invest in SEO - Search engine optimization (SEO) is essential for making sure your website appears at the top of search engine results pages when people search for terms related to your business or products you offer. Investing time into optimizing your website for SEO will help ensure that more people find out about your ecommerce store when they search online.

Utilize remarketing campaigns - Site Retargeting - Remarketing campaigns allow you to target past visitors of your site who haven't made a purchase yet by displaying ads specifically tailored towards them on other websites they visit afterwards, increasing the chances that they'll come back and make a purchase from you later on down the line.

Following these steps will help ensure that you get the most out of advertising your ecommerce website and maximize its potential for success!





Business meeting

What's all the fuss about YouTube?

by Pamela Patton, 3/25/2023

Advertisers are increasingly turning to YouTube as a platform to reach new audiences and promote their products and services. With its expansive reach, YouTube offers advertisers the opportunity to target specific audiences with video ads. Advertisers can choose who they want to see their video ads based on location, interests, and more. Additionally, cost per view is often under a nickel, meaning that businesses can get the most bang for their buck when advertising on YouTube.

YouTube also provides valuable insights into audience behavior and trends that can help inform an advertiser’s strategy. The official YouTube Advertisers channel offers industry trends, YouTube advertising launches, creative inspiration and more to help advertisers make informed decisions about how best to use the platform for their business needs.

Overall, YouTube is an effective platform for businesses looking to expand their reach and grow their customer base. With its low cost per view, targeted ad options, and access to valuable insights into audience behavior, it's no wonder why so many advertisers are turning to YouTube for their marketing needs.





Here are some creative ideas for YouTube advertisements to help get you started:

  • Create a stop-motion video that features your product or services in an exciting, unexpected way.
  • Feature a celebrity endorser to promote your product or services.
  • Showcase the different ways customers can interact with your brand in a short video.
  • Put together an interactive ad that allows users to choose between different scenarios as it progresses.
  • Create a series of humorous skits that showcase your products or services.
  • Create an eye-catching “mashup” ad that combines music, animation and special effects with your product or services message.
  • Craft an informative educational video about the benefits of using your product or services.